San Antonio de Padua, Buenos Aires, Argentina
(by Rodríguez, Blanco, Arnijas and Aparicio)
At the moment the headmaster and the preceptors don´t allow us to buy nothing in the kiosk when the break is over.
This is terrible because the break is very short and all the students are hungry and the person who works in the kiosk is very slow.
Please we need a solution!
(by Rodríguez, Blanco, Arnijas and Aparicio)
The event will be in San Antonio de Padua, on November 8th in the morning. Everybody can participate: kids, teen, grand fathers, mothers and fathers and all people.
The fee is $2 and a not perishable food. People who pay will receive a t-shirt because this is a social event to help people who live in a small town in San Luis, Argentina.
The marathon consists in three activities. One of them its a walk, the other is a bicycle tour and finally the marathon.
(by Caminada Micaela, Gómez Belén, Roldán Noelia)
It all started when Facundo Timo insulted and pushed a partner. Alan avoided him and asked him to sit.
Then, Facundo Timo advanced to him and hit his face at that moment the fight started. The partners separated. Then after that's the headmaster talked with Facundo Timo and Alan Piggin and they received "amonestaciones". And the fight finished.
(by Rodríguez, Blanco, Arnijas and Aparicio)
For this trimester 2nd sociales has to preparate in groups a big lesson for geography about the regions of Argentina. There are six groups. The students have to make a video with images and photos, this can be about animals, flowers, trees, people, cities, etc.
At the moment only two groups delivered their lessons. The first group talked about the Argentinian North West and the second about "Sierras Pampeanas".
We wish luck for the rest!

(by Caminada, Gómez, Roldán, Barreto, Desco, Pensado)
The end of the year is coming and the students will start to stress. Nobody wants to fail the exams because all the students want to enjoy the holidays.
The "integradoras" will start in November and we will have to pass them. The students must sit for four exams.
If you fail an "integradora" you will have to study in December. Go to study, now!

(by Leonardo Ramírez, Franco Niccolini, Santiago Fernández, Matías Castro and Elina Maidana)
On October 27th the headmasters informed the students they didn’t have classes because of a “jornada doncente” (teacher training day); but on October 28th they informed that the “jornada doncente” was suspended and students had to come to class.

I like the blog, very good movie "diamante de sangre" and the photo of the teacher with the umbrella!!!
matias lucero
I don't know why we can't buy candies over the break at drugstore. i am agree with the post "A problematic situation"
Noe Roldan =)
I want to buy biscuits at the break but I can't because there are a lot of students and the break is short. I hope the headmaster change that!
Elina maidana
This magisterial lesson is prepared with sacrifice.
The groups that gave up to the moment are two, and they gave very good.
i need luck!
i give the lesson in one or two weeks,people..with Matias Combi, Matias Lucero, Carlos Sanchez and Agustina Mele.i'm nervous !
Good article: THE BIG LESSON and thank, I will need luck !
Noelia Amato
2º sociales
I give the magisterial lesson too, my group is the last one. thank for the luck girls.
Very good the article.
agustina mele
i like the article:NEW FIGHT IN CLASS!
wow, that is interesting !
the article are great girls.
juan manuela aloe 2 sociales
i'm very stress boys, this is much for me,oh my god ! i don't like the school.
The article is ok, i like it.
ivan navarro 2 soc
the article: MARATHON 2009 is very good. i don't want to take part, my state is bad for a marathon.
Matias Combi
2 sociales
The youth is not like before, my god jaja
good article
ivana aparicio
"A PROBLEMATIC SITUATION" is a good article. i don't like this problem, i want to by my candies. is a BIG problem and i want to solve it.
daniela rodriguez
2º sociales
i agrre with the article:A PROBLEMATIC SITUATION
is true
antonela arnijas
i don't want to give the lesson. good article "THE BIG LESSON"
guiso sanguinetti
THE “JORNADA DOCENTE”, i like this article boys.
catalina diaz
2º soc
THE END OF THE YEAR, that is a big problem. i'm stress
belen blanco
NEW FIGHT IN CLASS!, that is a great article.
sofia fernandez
ajajajajajajajajaja oh my god! your face leo!!!!!!!!!! jajaja
is excelent!! I like the article !the jornada docente" this moment in the formation when the headmaster said it was very bad!
bye bye!
daniela rodriguez
I like me very much the article: " a problematic situation " Let's continue this way! The blog this one very good!!
Micaela Caminada
I wrote this comment: i agrre with the article:A PROBLEMATIC SITUATION
is true
the truth is that the kiosk is a problem, recess is finished and if you could not buy sorry wait until the next recess and you die of hunger and another thing women's kiosk always this in a bad mood jaja
many kisses, See you tomorrow.. Bye :)
by: Antonela Arnijas ♥
THE END OF THE YEAR, that is a big problem
bye bye
Francisco Facio
MARATHON 2009, good article :)
i don't like the marathon but in my opinion is a good idea for the people.. who want to take part.
Noelia Amato
timo was always a problem in the classroom. Alan had his reasons for pushing.
franco niccolini
in my opinion "the problematic situation" is true . The personal of the kiosk is too slow and old for this job we need a HURRY SOLUTION
Leonardo Ramirez
I`m agree whit "A problematic situation". I almost never buy at recess, but when i go is impossible be there beacause a lot of kids are very excited to buy -.-
Yon Almeida
jajaj ! the article is very good!
The kiosk is a horror
Julia Pensado
hii Im agree with Nicolinni.
Timo is very insoportable ..
Another way.. i hope pass all my test because i need it.
I need nine at last term
This blog is very funny and i like it
roldan noelia
hii Im agree with Nicolinni.
Timo is very insoportable ..
Another way.. i hope pass all my test because i need it.
I need nine at last term
This blog is very funny and i like it
roldan noelia
(by Rodríguez, Blanco, Arnijas and Aparicio)
I believe they are right, because they have to let them buy at the kiosk
A PROBLEMATIC SITUATION is a good article, the school don't resolved it yet.
Noelia Amato
A PROBLEMATIC SITUATION is a good article, the school don't resolved it yet.
Noelia Amato
the blog is very interesting
see you
Francisco Facio
NEW FIGHT IN CLASS is very interesting and excelent article!
Catalina Diaz
THE END OF THE YEAR yes of couerse im tired for the year...holidays now!!!pleaseee......
guido sanguinetti 2 soc
THE END OF THE YEAR yes of couerse im tired for the year...holidays now!!!pleaseee......
guido sanguinetti 2 soc
A PROBLEMATIC SITUATION this articul is very importan to talck about this in the school because is a problem with the people.
rodrigo ereno 2 soc
the problematic is dangerous its true and im agree at de person who think that me
nicolas strollo 2 soc
in my opinion, should sell food outside the recess,
throughout the school is unhappy with the decision
franco niccolini
I like the published articles. But, there is many reason inside the article " THE END OF THE YEAR ", is agreeable
matias lucero
very interesting geography lessons
, Luck and to pass!
franco niccolini 2 nat
Hi, congratulations for your very interesting blog.
About your "Problematic Situation" I strongly recommend that you eat more at breakfast because "A kid that doesn´t eat is a kid that doesn´t learn"...
See you
Ingrid Richmond
jaja I appear in the photo "a problematic situation", it is true .. buy in "kiosk" is a problem because all disorganized, and you can not push you to buy with comfort ...
have a solution?
I see you in class
one kiss
Belu Gomez
All this time I was signing the articles of the month and I did not realize: (
now find the new
one kiss
Belu Gomez
I like the blog
In my opinion we must find a solution to th article: A PROBLEMATIC SITUATION
Juanma Aloe
Hiiii!!!! In my opinion the blog is very good i liked much articles but i like these are a little more extensive!!!! kisses!!!!
Hiiii!!!! In my opinion the blog is very good i liked much articles but i like these are a little more extensive!!!! kisses!!!!
The end of the year is my worst nightmare!!!! jajajaja
Maribel mastrachio
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