San Antonio de Padua, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Seven months ago, second naturales started to work in the vegetable garden. They cultivated lettuce, spinach, tomato and pumkin.
Then, they saw them to grow, they took care of the ants and did a scarecrow.
When the vegetables were ripe they harvested and gave them to the headmasters.

(by Matias Combi and Matias Lucero)
Last week, the headmasters Jose Luis and De Arma installed in the school a sentry box, because the students are in danger when they go out from to school. At the moment, the proyect runs well.
Matías said: ¨In my opinin the senty box shoud have been installed in the first part of year¨

(by Alvarez Sofia, Amato Ayelen, Pigin Alan, Toledo Romina)
On November 4th we celebrated the 800th aniversary of the Franciscan Order in the school and the high school students participated .They interpreted lepers performed with Michel Jackson´s song .They compared the lepers with the zombies. This was criticized by most students at the school because they didn´t understand. How can they compare lepers with zombies?

(by Barreto Xiomara y Desco Marina)
On Novembefr 18th, the school secretary announced the future standard-bearers. Good news for second "naturales" because they have the best averages. The fortunate students are: Micaela Alcaráz, Ana Laura Pagliaro, Belen López, Constanza Goria, Pamela Quintana, Jonathan Toledo, Hernan Marizza, Macarena Torrecilla and Franco De' Antoni; Congratulations!

(by Matias Combi and Matias Lucero)
Last Friday the students had to make lines to buy some candies in the kiosk because before the students could´t buy. Now the preceptors Gabriela and Juan control the line. It is a good idea.

(by Almeida, Calderón, Viñoly, Mastrachio and Quintero)
We are very happy since we are near the last part of the year, and we don `t want to see the school anymore, at least for this year. However, some students are sad because they have many problems with the subjects, and they have to come in summer, instead of enjoying their holidays and the Christmas.

(by Arnijas, Blanco, Aparicio, Rodriguez)
On Wednesday 11th the students from 2nd sociales saw the film ‘Who wants to be a millonaire?’ with the teacher Graciela Lopez.
The movie is about the adventures of a poor boy in the giant city of Mumbai. His childhood and life are the source that let you know the correct answers for the contest ‘Who wants to be a millonaire’.

hello the blog is very good
nicolas strollo
LINE TO THE KIOSK is very interesting and very good line to the kiosk in the breack, is very organizated.
Catalina Diaz 2º sociales
LINE TO THE KIOSK is very interesting and very good line to the kiosk in the breack, is very organizated.
Catalina Diaz 2º sociales
LINE TO THE KIOSK is very interesting and very good line to the kiosk in the breack, is very organizated.
Catalina Diaz 2º sociales
Hello the blog is very interesting.
The article "THE GREAT HARVEST" it is of Juli Pensado and my...forget to put it when I sent it. Sorry
Micaela Caminada
very nice movie: who wants to be a millonaire ? see her again, say they received very good reviews. finally we see a film worth.
Antonela Arnijas :)
Nobody respect the drugstore's lines jaja, I have to say it.
Franco Niccolini
I like the sentry box, the article is very good! and the blog is the best!!!
Catalina Diaz 2º sociales.
in my opinion the sentry box is very importan, the students we must come to house healthy and safe!!!!
see you
Francisco Facio 2SOC
I like the sentry box and very good byyyyyyyyyyyyy
nicolas strollo
byyyyyyyyy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nicolas strollo
coins that is a great idea to form two rows for the kiosk, because it began to push and can not be bought at recess.
See you
Romina Toledo
congratulation for the STANDARD-BEARER..
rodrigo ereno 2soc
this film is recomendated for everyboby is interesting film to see
rodrigo ereno 2 soc
yes is true the senty box shoud have been installed in the first part of year no now but is good for the next year
rodrigo ereno 2 soc
the picture of Risotto is very funny, but the article is interesting. The blog need more work.
Matias Castro.2 Nat
oh right the year is coming to end I can`t wait holidays
leonardo ramirez
the final days!
Enjoy the holiday now!
Alan Pighin.
THE SENTRY BOX: jajaj is very funny
that from one day to the other put a checkpoint, as is well because today there is much insecurity :S
Antonela Arnijas ♥
yes is true the senty box shoud have been installed in the first part of year no now but is good for the next year rodrigo ereno 2 soc
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