San Antonio de Padua, Buenos Aires, Argentina
(by Strollo, Sanguinetti and Fernández)
On September 29th all the school had a recreation to celebrate spring and the student’s day. In these celebration children, teachers and management participated.
In our opinion, the day was very funny and interesting.
(by Alvarez Sofia, Amato Ayelén, Pigin Alan, Toledo Romina)
This celebration started at 9:30 and finished at 12. In this act some students and teachers participated. They danced, did advertising and other performances.
They gave presents: for students a pen and a lolly pop, and for teachers a note.
This day was very funny!
(by Strollo and Sanguinetti)
On September 25th, the PE teacher called the students from 2nd soc to help in the spring tournament for primary children.
The students from 2nd soc were:
- Strollo Nicolas
- Facio Francisco
- Torres Lucia
- Esposito Fernanda
- Spina Rocio
- Alderete Camila
(by Strollo, Sanguinetti and Fernández)
On September 28th the students from 2nd sociales with the chemistry teacher (Sandra Burella) went to the laboratory to do an experiment to neutralize an acid.
The elements used were:
- vinegar
- cabbage
- ph paper
In our opinion, the experiment was bad and boring.

(by Sagrado, Rearte Fava, Pulera y Bravo Araujo -3rd ESB)
A night in the museum is a comedy with adventure, love and an epic battle. The film has exellent special effects and there are stars of Hollywood.
The principal character, Ben Stiler, has a big problem with his son and to solve this, he works in a museum at night.
The film is very funny and we recommend it because the story is beautiful.

It´s a film about a dramatic love. The principal characters are two old people in a house of the elderly. Then, the male principal character tries to help his wife with her memory. The film is very sad with a sweet ending. We recommend it for people who like dramatic stories.
(by Aparicio Ivana, Arnijas Antonela, Blanco Belen, Rodriguez Daniela)
Our school is in San Antonio de Padua next to the Church. It´s a very old building and has an athletics club called Ateneo. The students wear a uniform -grey trousers for boys and grey skirt for girls, shoes, a white t-shirt and a blue sweatshirt.
Lessons start at 7:30 and finish at 13:50, but on Mondays and Wednesdays we stay at school until 5 o´clock because we go to the P.E. class. It starts at 4 o´clock, so we have 2 hours for lunch. We always bring sandwiches and we buy a Coke in Zuly´s kiosk and we have lunch with our friends in the small square in front of the school or in the kiosk bench. We´ve got thirteen subjects and catechims too, and sometimes all the students have to go to the Church to pray.
good recreation that we did nothing
Franco niccolini
The recreation was funny , it was really interesting.
Santiago Fernandez.
the recreation day was fun because I could act with my friends and had a great time .....
leonardo ramirez
HI! the recreation was very fun!
and the pen is very nice
bye bye
Daniela Rodriguez
A NIGHT IN THE MUSEUM: that a good movie, recommended
Franco niccolini
the recreation is very interesting
see you
on the day of the student teachers made us laugh
Franco niccolini 2nat
i like the article: A DAY FOR STUDENTS AND TEACHERS!
that day was fantastic and funny !
Noelia Amato- 2º sociales
i like the blog, the article A SPECIAL CLASS are very interesting.
that day was great
Juanma Aloe
i like the articles
Matias combi
the article san antonio school, by ivana, antonela belen and daniela is good
matias lucero 2 soc
the blog is great, is very interesting
ivan navarro
the article:THE RECREATION i very interesting, and that day too
marianela palazzi
the blog is fantactic, and the articles too
ivana aparicio 2 sociales
i like the aricle: san antonio school :) bye
ayelen amato
article *
the special class was funny and the article is very interesting
matias combi
the article: ¨the recreation¨ is good. that day was fantastic
sofia alvarez
I like the movie: a night in the museum. the article is interesting
Julia pensado
very good photos of the day of recreation, had not seen.
very entertaining blog !
Franco niccolini 2nat
i like the blog !
and the articles are fantastic
Noelia Amato 2º sociales
very good this school san antonio, has everything. I do not ever change
franco niccolini 2nat
The student holyday realy fun at school, also it was as good as the last year. I hope the next will be even better :)
Desco Marina, 2ºNaturaless
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