San Antonio de Padua, Buenos Aires, Argentina
(by Niccoini, Fernández, Maidana, Castro and Ramírez)
On October 21st the students and staff of San Antonio School had a ''special'' day, because of the exhibition of paints and manual works by students of eight grade. Also we had breaks of 40 minutes. In these breaks the headmaster gave us drinks and food.
The exhibition was made in the church.
(by Barreto Xiomara, Roldan Noelia, Pensado Julia, Gomez Belen, Desco Marina and Micaela Caminada)
In the English class, we have been talking about superstitions. Blas, the teacher, commented on different superstitions. Some of them were: breaking a mirror, spilling salt, seeing a black cat and opening an umbrella, the most interesting.
Then, everybody had different opinions. The teacher did not believe in them. To prove it, he opened the umbrella and WE HAVE CAPTURED THIS MOMENT IN THE PHOTOGRAPH! ...

(by Marianela Palazzi, Matias Combi, Matias Lucero, Ivan Navarro)
Student: Hi Teacher!! Can we make you some questions?
Graciela: Yes, no problem!!
Student: Did you cut your hair alone?
Graciela: Ohhh yes yes!! Because no body has right to touch my hair.
Student: It´s true!! How much discipline the student´s of 2º Sociales have?
Graciela: They very good, because they are responsible and do the homework.
Student: Do you like kids?
Graciela: Yes, some days they are unbearable but they are kids and one understands.
Student: Ok!! Thank you teacher... Bye!!
Graciela: bye!!!!

(by Arnijas, Blanco, Aparicio and Rodríguez)
2nd Sociales saw the film ''Diamantes de Sangre'' (Blood Diamond) with the teacher Ingrid Richmond in the subject ''Comunicación y Medios''.
The movie is about the life of people who live in Africa and the exploitation and smuggling of diamonds.
In the film Leonardo Di Caprio acts.
The film is very interesting because it has scenes of violence and people die.
The movie received excellent comments of citics.

(by Santiago Fernandez, Franco Niccolini, Ramirez Leonardo, Matias Castro, Elina Maidana)
On September 23rd. The schools from Merlo communicated students they wouldn't have classes the following day because the schools commemorated the Virgen of Mercedes’ day.
In fact they had classes and headmaster informed late at night to the teachers. They had to assist to school although the students wouldn't come...