San Antonio de Padua, Buenos Aires, Argentina
(by Yon Almeida, Fernando Calderón, Maribel Mastracchio, Mariana Viñoly, Federico Quintero)
Surprise! We discovered a present for us!
We have soap in our bathrooms. We belive there isn`t soap since we said goodbye to Arcadio (language teacher).
We are very happy, but this is a preventive measure against the Influenza A.
Only for this we have soap!

(by Marianela Palazzi, Ivan Navarro, Rodrigo Ereno, Matias Combi, Matias Lucero)
2nd Sociales' clasroom isn't as big as 2nd Naturales' clasroom. In 2nd Naturales clasroom there are more windows than in 2nd Sociales clasroom, because there are more students in Naturales. The colour of the walls, floor and the door is the same.

2nd Sociales

2nd Naturales
(by Ailín Pace, Mariano Strollo, Mercedes Archilli and Luciano Robson)
1- What's your name ?
My name is Magali
2- How old are you ?
I'm 43 years old
3- Do you like your job?
Yes, I like it very much
4- Do you like working in the school ?
Yes, of course
5- What do yo do on Saturday?
I clean the house. I go to see my son to play tennis. I visit my parents.
6-When did you start working?
I started working when I was 18
7- Do you like English ?
So, so
8- Do you like playing football?
Yes , I like it so much

(by Leonardo Ramirez, Santiago Fernandez, Matias Castro, Franco Niccolini, Noelia Roldan, Elina Maidana)
Padua is a city situated in Buenos Aires, Argentina. It is very small, and very calm too. The people of the town are friendly. It had a cinema and a night club in the past.
Now it has a few restaurants, sport clubs, and a cultural club.

(by Alvarez Sofía, Amato Ayelén, Toledo Romina, Pigin Alan)
Buenos Aires downtown is Capital Federal. The language spoken there is the Spanish but because of the tourist we can listen to different lenguages, for example: English, Italian, Portuguese, etc.
The weather is mild. Temperatures range from 3ºC to 35ºC.
The more important monument is the “Obelisco.” It is the tallest in the city. Capital Federal has other monuments for national heroes.

(by Alan Pighin, Ayelén Amato, Romina Torres, Sofía Álvarez)
Buenos Aires is more crowed than Padua. Padua isn’t as noisy as Bs.As . In Bs.As there is the widest avenue In the world. And in Padua there is the longest avenue in the world.
Padua hasn’t got as many buildings as Bs.As.
Bs.As has got many restaurants, theatres, cinemas, shows, concerts, shopings, etc. And Padua hasn’t got many entertainements.
In Padua the public transports is slowler than in Bs. As. Because
Bs.As has got the subway.
Padua ins’t as touristic as Bs.As.


Buenos Aires
very good a pag.
Franco niccolini
Oh yeaaaahhh very good the soap in the bathroom.
Ivan Navarro.
in my opinion the soap in the bathroom is the best post.
Juan Manuel Aloe
very good the soap in the bathroom. is the problem in de school
Francisco Facio
I believe they are right. The classroom of 2nd Nat. is more
big than the 2 nd Soc.
Federico Quintero.
finally put soap in the bathrooms !
Franco niccolini 2nat.
The article of the batrhooms is very interesting, is true and is a big problem in the school :S
Marina Desco, 2º Naturales
in my opinion is very good a page
in my opinion is very good a page
nicolas strollo
magali kills the picture ajaj.
"magali kills the picture ajaj."
Franco niccolini
yeeah,Friday we were sleeping !
Franco niccolini 2 nat
In my opinion the article is very important because it helps us to be aware
In my opinion the article is very important because it helps us to be aware
In my opinion the article is very important because it helps us to be aware
for me is very interesting went to the museum and geenppeace because are a good place to visit
rodrigo ereno
in my opinion, the articles made by students are quite interesting, especially those of our team is better! jaja
the page is very complete, I hope that many people visit
Belen Gomez
very good articles! I hope to continue our course as well
see you in class
Julia Pensado
hello!!!! very good the page!!! I like see the diference between padua and buenos aires... In my opinion is so much beter padua but i like bs as. xxx
Micaela Caminada
in my opinion, Padua is better than Buenos Aires because it is quieter, its streets are cleaner and that's where everybody knows everybody all
See you in class!
One Kiss :)
Beluu Gomez
very good the articles! but still could not find the missing jaja
see you in class
One kiss
Beluu Gomez
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