San Antonio de Padua, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Insecurity affects San Antonio school
By Leonardo Ramirez, Santiago Fernandez, Noelia Roldan, Matias Castro, Franco Niccolini y Elina Maidana
The chief of the police department came to San Antonio school, because of waves of crimes which happened last week, and talked with the headmaster.
They made an agreement. There will be a police car from 14:00 pm until 17:00 pm in the adjacencies of the school, but last week insecurity continued.
New headmaster
By Yon Almeida, Fernando Calderón, Maribel Mastrachio, Mariana Viñoly y Federico Quintero
After the farewell of Luis Rivarola, we have a new principal. His name is Juan Gregorio de Arma, and he is partner of Jose Luis Marquinez Gobbi (vice-principal).
Juan Gregorio was student of San Antonio school.
Our opinion is "we think he is more serious than Rivarola".
Paper war
By Matias Lucero, Matias Combi, Marianela Palazzi, Ivan Navarro, Rodrigo Ereno
Last thursday 16 th in the Spanish class with 2º Sociales, the students made a war..., yes a war, but whit paper balls. This didn´t last much because the teacher confiscated the paper balls in the middle of the class and the war was over, and the people started to work.
When the period finished the teacher took away the paper balls and the students went to the break.

When the students came back from the break they thought that nothing had happened but when they sat on the chairs the principal was inside the classroom with the paper balls in his hand. Everybody thought "Oh no, what did we do?" but the principal only gave 2º sociales an advice.
By Marianela Palazzi, Ivan Navarro, Matias Lucero, Rodrigo Ereno, Matias Combi
May 15th was the inaguration of the Porciuncula. This is a small church, it´s the copy of the original chapel. In this chapel San Francisco died.
The students from first polimodal represented the sequence when San Francisco died.
Interview: Juan Garro
By Daniela Arrua, Luciana Rearte Fava, Giuliana Pulera y Alan Bogarin (3rd ESB)
1_How old are you?

_I’m 39 years old.
2_Where were you born?
_ In the province the San Luis.
3_Where do you live?
_ In San Antonio de Padua
4_What do you like doing in your free time?
_ I haven’t got free time. But I like runing.
5_Do you like your job?
_Yes, I do
6_ When did you start to work?
_Ten years a go.
7_Do you like maybe being principal herdmaster?
_I was in the past. I liked the experience.
Easter celebration
by Arnijas, Aparicio, Blanco y Rodriguez
Easter celebration was April 8th in the church of San Antonio, on this day, all the students went to the church to see the representation of Jesus death.
The interpretation was very good and one student was Jesus. The actors used the clothes of that time, too.
It was a very exciting celebration.
That good blog! A greeting we are meeting in one month
It is a good blog!
See you in one month, with little desire to start.
Federico Quintero
this blog is great ! how much homework to do ! :)
See you Friday.
Best wishes.:)
Elina Maidana
That good blog! how much homework to do by by
Nicolas Strollo
That very good blog!! The articles are interesting. See you later bye bye!
it´s a good blogs! I like a news.. see you friday bye bye.
Matias Combi
that's a very good blog!! The news are goods are very interesting.
See you on the class bye bye...
noelia roldan
that good blog!!how much homework to do by .
the articles are interesing!!
franco nicolini
it's good blog!very interensing!!
se you friday on the class...
bye bye!! :)
belen gomez
The blog is very interesting! I liked the news!
Alan pighin
I found the article of insecurity, because it is important.
Federico Quintero.
I like the blog ! it is great !
noelia amato
the blog is the best!!!
Belen Blanco
I like me very much the blog .. it is necessary to continue working. :)
Micaela Caminada
The blog is very good!, but need more work.
bye, see you on friday.
Santiago Fernandez.
The blog is very interesting ,I like very much.
Mati Castro.
This blog is great , I think es amazing. See you on friday. Good-bye
The article for the insecuriti is very important .
See you on friday
Romina Toledo
This blog is very interesting .
See you on friday
Romina Toledo
The act of October 9 in my opinion was not good
See you on friday
The act of October 9 in my opinion was not good
See you on friday
The act of October 9 in my opinion was not good
See you on friday
Romina Toledo
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